Welcome to HXUANJ | Worldwide Delivery

After sales service

  • Will I charged handling customs fees, duties or taxes?


Yes.There may be duties, taxes or handling fees incurred on your shipment. These charges will be the customers responsibility. Tax and custom charges is dependent on your country law & regulations. Hxuan.J does not have any control over these fees and we cannot advise as to what the costs will be, as they vary by country.

For more information, please contact your local customs office.

We are not able to reimburse you for duties and taxes paid upon delivery. If required by local authorities, the postal company may reach out to you for more information such as tax ID for customs clearance.

As we sell direct to customers with no high markups, please be assured that even after taxes, our prices are still the same or even lower than retailers.


  • How long does it take to ship out the order?

We aim to dispatch all customer orders within 3 work days, with the exception of weekends.

For sale period, festive season and public holidays, order dispatch may take up to 5 - 7 days in these cases.


  • Where is my order?

    Once your order is shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email. You can track your parcel using the links below.
